Cultivation of Chilli - Sphorticulture


14 July 2020

Cultivation of Chilli

Cultivation of Chilli


Ø  Botanical name = Capsicum annum l.

Ø  Family = Solanaceae

Ø  Chromosome number = 2n=24

Ø  Origin place =  (Mexico)

Ø  Type of fruit = Berry

Ø  Type of inflorescence =  Receme

Ø  Type of flower= mainly white Colour

Ø  Type of plant = annual

Ø  Type of pollination = often cross (63%cross pollination)

Ø  Pollinating agent = Bee

Ø  Highest production in world = India (36%)  

Ø  Highest production in India =   AP (57%)

Ø  Other name = hot pepper, wonder spice, mirch

Ø  Chilli word are derived from “NAHUATL” word ‘chilli or xilli’ means “larger capsicum”.

Ø  Capsicum word are derived from GREEK word Kapsimo” means “to bite”.

Ø  Introduced in India from Brazil in 1584(16century) by Portuguese.

Ø  The genus capsicum are divided into three sections by Hunziker in 1956

1.      Monotypic tubocapsicum

2.      Pseudoachistus

3.      Capsicum

·        The section capsicum has 22 wild species and 5 cultivated species-

Ø  All species of capsicum have chromosome number n=12, except to-

·        C.ciliatum

·        C. scolnikianum

Both species have chromosome number n=13.

Some important species of capsicum

White flower colour



C. baccatum

P.M. & anthraconose resistant , yellow anther

C. frutescens

Perennial plant “tabasco pepper and bird pepper

C.annum V. aviculare


C.baccutum V. pendulum


C. chinense

Cultivated, anthracnose resistant

C. baccutum V. baccutum


C. microcarpon

PM resistant

Purple flower colour species

C. Pubescens

Cultivated, Seed colour black, PM resistant

C. cardensii




Ø  Colouring agent in chilli = Cpasanthin (36%) & capsorubin (red)

yellow colour due to lutin and orange colour due to B-carotene

Ø  Formula of capsanthin = C40 H56 O3

Ø  Yellow colour of chilli = Lutin

Ø  Orange colour of chilli = B-carotene

Ø  Pungent principle of chilli = Capsaicin

Ø  Formula of capsaicin = C18 H56 O3

Ø  Fresh chilli are rich in Vit C.

Ø  Chilli are rich in rutin.

Ø  Non-conventional use of chilli as = chilli spray (mostly in USA)


Ø  Average temperature for chilli cultivation = 15-35 C.

Ø  Chilli fruit development affected at =>35C (fruit dropping)

Ø  Low temperature (8-10C increases parthenocarpic fruits.

Ø  Chilli is rain fed crop.

Ø  Seed rate = 1-1.5 kg/hec.

Ø  Seed viability = 2 years

Ø  Number of seedlings are require for one hectare planting= 50-60 thousands (4-5 weeks old).

Ø  Season =

·        Summer = Jan – feb

·        Kharif = June to July

·        Rabi = sep to oct

·        Hills= march to April

Ø  Day lenth does not affect the flowering and fruiting.


Ø  Bacterial wilt resistant variety = Manjra, Ujawala, anugraha, Utkal rashmi

Ø  Resistant to thrips = NP-46A

Ø  Suitable for colour extraction(Paprika*)= arka abir, KTPL-19, Punjab lal, Bydagi , Warangal chilli.

Paprika= nonpungent powder of chilli

Ø  Resistant to chilli mosaic = Pant jwala , Pant C1, Pusa sadabahar , Punjab lal , puri red.

Ø  Pusa Jwala = resistant to thrips , mites and aphids.

Ø  Pusa sadabahar = resistant to Chilli mosic virus , Tobacco mosaic virus and leaf curl virus.

Ø  Arka haritha = tolerant to powdery mildew and virus.

Ø  Punjab surkh = resistant to fruit rot and mosic.

Ø  Punjab lal = resistant to Chilli mosaic virus, Tobacco mosaic virus and leaf curl virus.

Ø  Pant c 1= Tolerant to mosaic and curl virus.

Ø  IIVR –varanshi released varieties = Kashi abha,Kashi tej , kasha ratna, Kashi sindhuri , Kashi Gaurav,Kashi surkh , kashi anmol , Hybrid- kasha early.

Harvesting and yield

Ø  chilli can be harvested either at the green immature or mature red stage.

Ø  It takes about 55-60 days after flowering for fruits to fully ripen.

Ø  Yield =

·        Green

§  Irrigated condition = 7-10 tonnes/ hec

§  Rainfed condition = 1.5-2.5 tonnes/hec

·        Dry

§  Irrigated condition = 1.5-2.5 tonnes/hec

§  Rainfed condition = 0.5-1.0 tonnes/hec

Ø  Seed yield = 150-300 kg /hec

Ø  Male :female ratio for seed production = 2:1

Ø  Isolation distance for seed production = 400 m .

Ø  Seed extraction method for commercial scale in chilli = Maceration

Ø  Major pest of chilli = Thrips ( Scirtothrips dorsalis)

Ø  Leaf curl of chilli are transmitted by = thrips

Ø  Most serious disease of chilli = Chilli leaf curl.

Ø  Most harmful nematode for chilli = M.arenaria


Some important information

Ø  Hottest chilli in the world = Carolina reaper (2.2 million SHU*)

SHU= Scovile heat unit

Ø  Scovile heat unit scale are invented by Wilbel Scovile 1912.

Ø  SHU use for measurement of Pungency.

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