Cultivation of Brussels sprouts - Sphorticulture


10 May 2021

Cultivation of Brussels sprouts

Cultivation of Brussels sprouts

Ø  Botanical name = Brassica oleracea  V gemmifera  DC

Ø  Family = Crusiferae or brassicaceae

Ø  Chromosome number = 2n =18

Ø  Origin place = Mediterranean region(Glastus horticulture)


Belgium(according to advance in vegetable agronomy IARI publication)

Ø  Edible part of cabbage = Swellen auxillary bud (sprouts) or button or mini cabbage.

Enlargement of auxillary buds.

Ø  Type of fruit = siliqua

Ø  Type of inflorescence = Recemose

Ø  Type of plant =  Binnial 

Ø  Type of pollination = Cross(72%)

Ø  Pollinating agent = Honey bee and flie

Ø  Highest production in India = HP

Ø  Highest productivity in India = HP

Ø  It is also called miniature cabbage.

Ø  Ancestor of broccoli =Brassica oleracea V. sylvestris

But according to some scientist Brussels sprouts are derive from savoy cabbage(B. oleracea V. sabouda)

Ø  Genome=CC

Ø  Cole crop” book is written by = Nieuwhof

Ø  Cole word are derived from Caulis means Stem.


Ø  Brussels sprouts cultivated in Belgium in 13th century .

Ø  First written existence was recorded in 1587.

Ø  Commercial  cultivation of Brussels sprouts started in 19 century.

Ø  Brussels sprouts is the good source of INDOLE-3-CARBINOL.

INDOLE-3-CARBINOL= Protect against bowl cancer

Ø  It is rich source of Vit-C(185mg) and Protien(4.4%).

Ø  Male sterility in brussels sprouts obserbed by = Johnson(1958).

Ø  Male sterility in brussels sprouts governed by = Male recessive gene(ms).

Ø  Brussels sprouts have Sporophytic self incompatibility found .

Ø  Self incompatibility  control by single gene with multiple allils ‘S’ allil.



Ø  It is a cool season crop.

Ø  It is a frost resistant crop.

Ø  Brussels sprouts is a slow growing crop.

Ø  Optimum temperature for seed germination = 12-16 C.

Ø  Optimum temperature for growth and development = 16-20C.

Ø  Ideal temperature for fertilization = 12-18C

Ø  Late cultivar can be tolerate -10 C.

Ø  Brussels sprouts require minimum 6 hours per day sunlight .

Ø  It’s require chilling temperature 4-6 C for 6-8 weeks.

Ø  Optimum ph-6-6.8.

Ø  Seed rate =300-400g/hec.

Ø  Hot water treatment  of seed at 50+-2 for 30 minutes use against Black leg(Phoma liganum) and Black rot (Xanthomonas brassicae).

Ø  It is also propagated by Cutting .



1.       Dwarf cultivar (less than 50 cm hight) = Early Morn, Dwarf Improved, long Island, Fortiner Zwerg, Kvik, Catskill, Early Dwarf, Dwarf Gem.

2.       Tall cultivar ( more than 50 cm hight)= Hilds Ideal ,Eveshan Rapid, Wilhilmsburg, Red Vain, Amager Market, De Rosny, Danish Prize, Rubine.

3.       F1 hybrid varieties = Captain Marvel , Prince Marvel ,Jade Cross, Oliver

F1 (Filial 1) = first generation of hybrid after cross.

4.       Royal marvel = resistant to Tip burn and Bottom rot.

5.       Bubbles =  Resistant to PM(powdery mildew) .

6.       Purple colour varieties = Red Bull, Ruby crench.

Purple colour variety developed from crossing between Purple cabbage and Green brussels sprouts by Dutch botanist in 1940.

Ø  Sowing time =

1.       North plains = June to July.

2.       East plains = September.

3.       Hills = April to may.

Ø  60-80 M square nursery area sufficient  for one hec planting.

Ø  4-5 weeks seedlings are use for transplanting.

Ø  Spacing =

1.       Dwarf =60*45 or 60*60 cm

2.       Tall = 90*90cm

Ø  It have mainlyn two growth phase =

1.       Vegetative Phase.

2.       Generative phase.

Ø  The sprouts are produce from Leaf axil.

Ø  Topping = Pinch off a fully growen plant from growing point. This operation occurs in brussels sprouts after 30 days of planting.

Ø  Kitting = Removing of lower leaf of develop sprouts.

Ø  Harvesting begins after first frost.

Ø  Harvesting of brussels sprouts started 80-85 days after planting.

Ø  Harvesting time =

1.       Plains =Jan-feb

2.       Hills = Nov to march

Ø  Commercial size for harvesting = 3 diameter.

Ø  Yield = 5-10 tonnes /hec.

Ø  Storage = 0 C with 90-95% RH for 16 weeks.

Ø  Seed yield =300-400kg/hec.

Ø  Isolation distance =

1.       Foundation seed = 1600m

2.       Certified seed = 1000 m.

Ø  Boron deficiency causes = Hollow stem and small bud.

Ø  Exessive use of Potash(K) imparts bitterness in brussels sprouts.

Ø  Loose sprouts marketed as a “Blowets”.

Ø  Major pest of Cole crops is: DBM (diamond black moth) (Plutella xylostella)

Ø  Damping off: It is a common problem of seedlings in the nursery beds and
caused by the fungus of genus Pythium.

Ø  Most destructive disease of cabbage= Black rot Xanthomonas campestris pv.

Ø  Black leg in cabbage occurs due to =Phoma liganum(commonly seen in saline soil.)


Some important information

Ø  Coteledon consept was given by = Herberd (1935)

Ø  In 1990 Dutch scientist Hans-van-doorn identified some chemicals which responsible for bitterness in brussels sprouts.

Ø  Seed to seed method use commercial seed production.


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