Cultivation of Tomato - Sphorticulture


08 July 2020

Cultivation of Tomato


Ø  Botanical name of tomato Solanum lycopersicon

Ø  Family – Solanaceae

Ø  Chromosome number- 2n= 24

Ø  Origin place- Peru or south America

Ø  Edible part- All fruit

Ø  Commercial propagation –Seed

Ø  Type of Plant- Herbaceous annual

Ø  Type of inflorescence- Racemose

Ø  Type of flower- hermaphrodite

Ø  Type of pollination-self pollination

Ø  Highest production in world- china

Ø  Highest production in India- UP

Ø  Other name- Love apple of England,Tamatar , Poor man’s orange

Ø  Taxonomy and botany

Ø  Botanical name- Solanum lycopersicon (lycos= wolf & persicon= peach)

It is divided into two subgenera-

1.      Eulycopersicon

2.      Eriolycopersicon

1.      Eulycopersicon- (red fruited and self-compatible), It have mainly two species-

                 I.          S. lycopersicon

               II.          S. pimpinelifolium


2.      Eriolycopersicon- (Green fruited and self-incompatible), this subgenus mainly includes wild species-

                 I.          S. habrochaites(L. hisurtum)- resistant to TMV

               II.          S. peruviamun

              III.          S. cheesmani- resistant to salt

             IV.          S. pissisi

               V.          S. glandulosum


Ø  Rick (1976) divided genus lycopersicon into two groups-

1.      Esculentum comlex- ( Crossable with cultivated)

             I.          S. lycopersicon

           II.          S.habrochaites(L. hisurtum)

          III.          S. pimpinellifolium- Resistant to disese

          IV.          S. cheemani

2.      Peruvianum complesx- (Not crossable with cultivated)

                     I.          S. peruvianum

                    II.          L. chinense


v  Bassed on growth habbit& fruit character,it’s five form are identified-

1.      S. lycopersicon V. communae = common tomato

2.      S. lycopersico V.cerasiformae = cherry tomato( encestor of tomato)

3.      S. lycopersicon V. pyrifomae =pear shape  tomato

4.      S. lycopersicon v. grandifolium = potato leaved tomato

5.      S. lycopersicon v. validum = Erect and upright type

Other important species

·        Physalis pubescens- Husk tomato

·        S. penali = it have highest brixk content

·        S. galapagense = Tolerant to salt

·        S. nearickii = Resistant to bacterial wilt

Ø  Tomato was first reported in 1554 in Italy.

Ø  Tomato is protective fruit.

v  Colour of tomato=

·        Red Colour- Lycopene

·        Yellow Colour- carotenes

·        Tangerine= Prolycopin

Ø  Flavor in tomato due to- Ethenol

Ø  Fruit aroma in tomato due to – Sulfonium

Ø  Acidity in tomato due to – Citric acid

Ø  Tomato germination inhibited by- caffic & ferulic acid

Ø  Flower cluster of tomato is known as- Truss

Ø  Female & male ratio in tomato = 12:1

Ø  Robert Gibson Johnson 1820 disproved tomato is not a toxic (deadly nightshade plant)

Ø  Tomato is a day natural plant.

Ø  Tomato is a climacteric fruit.

Cultivation of tomato

Ø  Average temperature for tomato cultivation = 21-28C

v  Specific temperature =

·        Normal= 15-20C

·        Hot set = 20 c (Philippine, Punjab tropic)

·        Cold set = 15c (Pusa sheetal, avilandi)

Ø  Highest lycopene content production at the temperature range = 21-24c and production reduces above 27C.

v  Seed rate =

·        Open pollinated = 400-500g/ hec

·        Cross pollinated= 125g/ hec

v  Sowing time =

·        Plains = June- nov

·        Hills= march- April

According to season

·        Kharif = may –June

·        Rabi = sep – oct

·        Summer crop = Dec - Jan

Ø  Nursery area required = 4-5%( 200-250m2 )

Ø  Transplanting age = 4-5 weeks old seedlings.

Ø  It can’t withstand against frost.

Ø  The limit of bearing branches per plant = 7-8

Ø  In crop rotation with tomato don’t use solanaceae family crop.


v  Varieties

·        Determinate varieties- roma, Pusa sheetal , Punjab chuhara

·        Indeterminate – Co2, Sioux, marglobe, best of all, Pusa ruby

·        Suitable for plains= Pusa rohini, Pusa uphar, Pusa ruby

·        Suitable for hills = Sioux , marglobe, best of all

·        Suitable for processing= roma , NDT-120, Pusa sheetal, Pant bahar, melka, melka shola.

·        Parthenocarpic varieties= severianin

·        Fusarium wilt resistant varieties = pant bahar , marglobe, Rutgers, Pritchard, manalucie.

·        Bacterial wilt resistant varieties= Arka alok, Arka abha, arka aanand, arka abhijit, arka srestha, anagha, mukthi, sakthi, sonali,  vellayani vijay, Utkal kumar, Utkal urbashi,BT-18,BT-21.

·        RKN(root knot nematode) resistant = SL-120, hisar lalit, Punjab keshri, NDT-2,arka vardan ,nematax, anaha.

·        Triple disease resistant = arka samrat , arka rashak

·        Craking resistant = Arka saurabh, Sioux, anagha, ohio832, manalucie, arka vishal (tolerant)

·        Resistant to TLCV= H-24, hisar anmol, kashi vishesh.

·        Potato leaved variety = HS-110

·        Rainselter variety= akshaya

First  hybrid variety of tomato- Karnataka



Ø  Harvesting time – 70 days after sowing (normal)

v  Harvesting stage and uses-

1.      Immature green = use for chutney prepration

2.      Mature green = for long distance market.

3.      Turning or breaker stage = (10% Colour development) for long distance market.

4.      Pink stage = (30-60%) for local market

5.      Light red = (60-90%) for table propose and local market.

6.      Red ripe or over ripe = processing and seed extraction.

v  Grading –

1.      Super A

2.      Super

3.      Fancy

4.      Commercial

Ø  Storage condition = 2-4 weeks at 10-13C with 85-95% RH.

Ø  Average TSS in ripe fruit = 4-6%

Ø  Minimum TSS required for processing = 4.5%

v  Yield –

·        Normal = 30-40 tones/ hec

·        Hybrid = 80-95 tones / hec

·        Average seed yield = 100-120 kg / hec

Ø  Oil content in tomato seed = 24%.

Ø  Tomatotine content are mainly found in = leaf and flower.

v  Seed extraction=

                 I.          Fermentation method

                II.          Alkali treatment = pulp are treated with 10% washing soda solution (best method)

              III.          Acid treatment = treated with acid 100ml per 12 pulp , seed are separated within 15-30    minutes (fastest method) . but the germination of seed are affected.

v  Disorders of tomato=

1.      Fruit cracking= due to Bo deficiency, it’s mainly four type-

                                     I.          Radial= usually seen at ripening stage

                                    II.          Concentric= green stage

                                  III.          Cuticular = seen on outer skin

                                  IV.          Brust =

2.      BER(blossom end rot)= Ca deficiency and moisture stress

3.      Sun scald = Extreme heat exposure

4.      Blotchy ripening = K deficiency

5.      Puffiness or pocket = Low/ high Temp. and poor pollination

6.      Cate face= Physical damage at fruit developing stage.

7.      Golden flake = Low K: Ca ratio, excess of calcium oxalates.

8.      Russetting=

Ø  Most serious disease of tomato = Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum)

Control = use resistant varieties.

Ø  Most serious pest of tomato= Tomato fruit worm(Heliothis armigera)

Control = contact your nearest agricultural university or KVK.

Ø  Most serious disease of tomato at nursery stage = Dumping off(Pythium aphanidermetum)



v  Some important informations

Ø  The ‘tomato’ named book was written by Dr.G. Kallo in 1986.

Ø  Father of tomato = Dr. G. Kallo.

Ø  Tomato Genome fully sequenced in = 2012

Ø  Genome size = 900mbp.

Ø  Father of tomato breeding = Mr. Rick

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